Squares do not (normally) appear in nature confronts the audience with an aural and visual space: 13 experiments of sound and vision without the use of performers. The work’s basis is the awareness of colours via certain protagonists: light, mist, glass, font and image. This is akin to how apparently abstract themes are the actors of Josef Albers’s research of reality.
In the Oxford English Dictionary, abstract has nine definitions, of which the most applicable is 4.a.: “Withdrawn or separated from matter, from material embodiment […]. Opposite to concrete.” From the Latin, abstractus means ‘drawn away’. In visual arts, the sense of abstract painting is a composition with a certain or total degree of independence from the real world. This action of drawing away is the key aspect of this work, This action is further underscored when taken together with the questioning of how theatre redefines itself by apparently drawing away an action. What is left?

running time
Teatro e Critica > Wunderkammer a Fabbrica Europa, 24.V.2017
Icon Design Magazine > Filippo Andreatta, tra teatro e architettura, 10.2016
La cultura del bloggo > Il Teatro senz’uomini, 29.XI.2015
Il Fatto Quotidiano > la “minuta retrospettiva” di OHT, 17.11.2015
Rumor(s)cena > OHT visioni meccaniche e di meraviglia convincenti, 17.XI.2015
ZERO > Milano, Filippo Andreatta, 10.11.2015
ZERO > Milano, Squares do not (normally) appear in nature, XI.2015
domus > OHT: Albers on stage, 29.07.2015
Adige > Instabilità delle forme, 17.V.2015
art agenda > OHT, Squares Do Not (Normally) Appear In Nature, 23.09.2014
by OHT | Office for a Human Theatre
> supported by The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation (USA)
> idea and directing Filippo Andreatta
> scientific research Chiara Spangaro
> mechanics and wonder Paola Villani
> set-design Filippo Andreatta and Paola Villani
> sound Roberto Rettura
> technician Giovanni Marocco / Massimiliano Rassu
> song “ala” by Matteo Nasini
> production OHT, Provincia Autonoma di Trento
> in collaboration with Regione Trentino Alto-Adige, MART museum of modern and contemporary arts, Comunità di Valle della Vallagarina, PuntoLuce sas
> residency Centrale Fies, Albers Foundation
> thanks to Barbara Boninsegna, Annalisa Casagranda, Brenda Danilowitz, Fritz Horstman, Alessandra Klimciuk, Nick Murphy, Giacomo Raffaelli, Jeannette Redensek, Nicholas Fox Weber
production history
08.IX.2017 > Bolzano, TransArt Festival
from 04 to 07.V.2017 > Firenze, Fabbrica Europa Festival
20-21.IX.2016 > Terni, Terni Festival
13-14-16.IX.2016 > Roma, Short Theatre Festival
from 12 to 15.XI e dal 18 al 22.XI.2015 > Milano, CRT Teatro dell’Arte Triennale
30.VII.2015 > Dro, Drodesera Festival - Centrale Fies
20.VI.2015 > Praga (CZ), Prague Quadrennial - Conferenza
11-12.X.2014 > Rovereto, MART museumof modern and contemporary art
number of replica